I have made a very important self-diagnosis; I have been afflicted with a severe case of the travel bug and have recently discovered I have a grim allergy to the cold. No jokes. This is extremely serious.
I am once again on the move after a short visit in Canada and the US of A. Currently I’m making the twenty five hour journey to Tobago (via Dallas, a nine hour overnight stint in Miami, Trinidad then a
puddle hop flight to my final destination).Once in Tobago I will be joining the small mono haul sailing vessel Sparrow. Myself, the Captain and owner, Alex, along with two of my other best amigas (Kelley Mae and Kiki) from St. Maarten will be crewing Sparrow up to St. Maarten. It is expected to take roughly a month with the hopeful arrival date being the beginning of November.

The plan is to surf, sail, and sun ourselves up through this lower region of the Caribbean, island hoping along the way. None of us have copious amounts of cash lying around this year, unfortunately, so we will mainly be fishing and ricing for the next month which is exactly what the doctor would order for my poor stomach after the rich western food I have been inhaling since short spurt back in Canada.
After my arrival in St. Maarten I will be there for another season working at Ocean Explorers, enjoying full moons on the beach, and adventuring with my Maartian Monsters. Life is sounding pretty damn good right now!
Also, I would like to mention at this point a couple of thing:
1) the high in Calgary tomorrow is 7.
2) the high in Tobago tomorrow is 35.
3) I went through the airport today wearing a long sleeve t-shirt, hoodie, leather coat, jeans, and boots. I look ridiculous.
4) Tomorrow my surf board is waiting for me for a sunset surf when I get off the plane.
I am so happy I am finally going to be warm I can barely contain myself in the airplane seat J
Watch out Caribbean, here I come!
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