Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hand Gestures and Broken Languages

We arrived in mainland Brazil in Fortileza, a city of 2.5 million people, quite a change from what we have been used to. It was the first large city we have come across and as we entered. the lights of the stars were dulled against the vast expanse of city that was spread out before us.

Brazilian people speak mostly Portuguese, very few are able to communicate in English so for the majority of the time we communicated with a mixture of broken Spanish, broken English, and a series of failed hand gestures. I absolutely loved it!

We were able to explore the city very little because it was relatively unsafe to wonder more then a few blocks off the beach. The port we were docked in was a commercial dock in a rather sketchy part of the city so we were forced to make the 15 Real cab ride if we wanted to go anywhere. But even with these restrictions we were able to get a quick taste of the Brazilian culture.

Cat, Brian, Spike, and I found ourselves, on our first free day ashore, eating at a delicious steak house. The food was absolutely phenomenal, unlike anything I have had. Pork, beef, duck, lamb, chicken etc. It was all there, in mass quantities, just waiting for us. The way the house is set up has it so that one never really has to leave their seat. Rather, you are brought endless amounts of meat until you can no longer consume anything else at which point you turn the small circular tab by your glass of local juice over to the red side indicating your satisfaction. We spent close to three hours there, hopefully that’s a good indication of how wonderful it was!

The next couple of days was spent exploring the “main drag” however, Cat and I often found ourselves trying to find the small “out of the way” “not touristy” places. I’ve learned that it definitely pays off to ask the locals where their favourite places to eat are (that is, if you can do all that communication).

We were able to have two nights out in Brazil. One was spent with the majority of our group eating together at another steak house and then wondering the street market. The other we were able to get out a little more and checked out a few of the local bars along the beach. It was so much fun, we talked with the locals (Pepe and Daniel) and managed to have a few, shall we say, interesting experienced along the streets. All ended well and we will soon be heading up in to the Caribbean.

Unfortunately, we will not be able to travel in to the Amazon. Captain Dan has informed us that the safety is extremely questionable. I’m pretty upset about it but he has said that we will be able to do more diving which is a good thing.

It felt like our time in Brazil was only touching the tip of an iceberg, one that I would love to explore. I guess this just means I will have to come back!

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